Kotabowa Temple is a significant religious site in Sri Lanka. Kotabowa Temple is dedicated to the worship of the deity God Kataragama, who is also known as Skanda, Murugan, or Kartikeya in other parts of South Asia. Kataragama Deviyo is the God of War who is a Hindu deity widely venerated by both Hindu and Buddhist communities in Sri Lanka.


The temple complex is located in the village of Kotabowa in the Monaragala District of Sri Lanka. It's a place of pilgrimage and religious significance for devotees who come to seek blessings, offer prayers, and participate in religious ceremonies.


The temple's architecture, like many religious structures in Sri Lanka, reflects a blend of Hindu and Buddhist influences, reflecting the island's rich cultural heritage and the harmonious coexistence of different religious traditions.


The temple attracts pilgrims not only from Sri Lanka but also from other countries in the region. Devotees often participate in rituals such as fire walking and kavadi (a form of penance involving physical endurance) as acts of devotion and fulfillment of vows made to the deity.

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