The Andagala Ruins in Akiriyankumbura are an intriguing archaeological site located in Sri Lanka. These ruins are believed to be remnants of an ancient civilization dating back to the early historic period of Sri Lanka, possibly around 3rd century BC to 12th century AD.

The site comprises scattered ruins of a monastery complex, including remnants of stupas, ponds, caves, and other structures. These ruins offer valuable insights into the architectural and cultural heritage of ancient Sri Lanka.

Exploring the Andagala Ruins allows visitors to delve into the rich history of the region and imagine what life might have been like for the people who inhabited these structures centuries ago. It's a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts and anyone interested in uncovering the mysteries of the past.

Traveling 16 kilometers along the Bibila-Batticaloa road will indeed lead you to Akiriyankumbura village. This route offers a journey through diverse landscapes, allowing travelers to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings as they make their way to their destination.

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