Perched on a solid rock at 1,200m above sea level with 360 degrees breathtaking views, the Resort is located in a picturesque location nestled in the oldest town of Haldumulla in the Uva Province.

Most of our Suites have huge balconies with an open jacuzzi from where you can revel in the purest air in Sri Lanka, and enjoy the panoramic views of several provinces, namely  Southern, Uva, Sabaragamuwa, few parts of Eastern & Monaragala as well.

And to fully envelop you in that welcome, we take care of your first-class holiday experience: luxury suite rooms, great services, and the best hotel staff. A’Lankaa is your dream place to immerse into an atmosphere of relaxation and try lots of exciting activities. Plus, we guarantee you will enjoy Insta-worthy, awesome selfies here!

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