The Old Welekade Market is situated in the heart of Badulla town, the capital of the Badulla District in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka. Badulla is a major urban center and transportation hub in the region.

The Old Welekade Market has a storied history that traces back many decades. While some speculate that the market building was originally erected by the Dutch as a fortress, more reliable sources indicate that it was actually constructed by the British in 1889. This makes it the first public building in the Uva province. Recognizing its historical significance, the government has formally designated the Welekade building as an archaeological protected monument.

Since its establishment, the market has been a vital hub for the local community. Vendors converge here to offer a diverse array of goods, ranging from fresh produce, vegetables, fruits, and spices to clothing, household items, and more. Its role as a central marketplace has solidified its place in the social and economic fabric of Badulla, fostering community ties and supporting local businesses. The market is known for its bustling and lively atmosphere, especially during the early morning hours when vendors set up their stalls and locals come to shop for daily necessities. It's a vibrant hub of activity, with vendors calling out their wares and shoppers bargaining for the best prices.

Like many traditional markets in Sri Lanka, the Old Welekade Market is not just a place for commerce but also a cultural and social hub. It's where people from different walks of life come together, fostering community bonds and preserving local traditions.

While the market may not have grand architectural features like forts or historical buildings, its layout and design reflect its functional purpose as a marketplace. Stalls and makeshift structures line the streets and alleyways, creating a maze-like environment where visitors can explore and discover various goods for sale.

The Old Welekade Market plays a vital role in the local economy, providing livelihoods for numerous vendors and supporting small businesses. It's an integral part of daily life in Badulla, catering to the needs of residents and visitors alike. 


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