Udaweriya Mountain stands as the highest peak in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka, offering unparalleled vistas of the surrounding landscape. From its summit, one can marvel at a breathtaking panorama that includes a multitude of prominent landmarks and mountain ranges.

Gazing out from Udaweriya Mountain, one's eyes can traverse the Beragala Mountain, Idalgashinna Mountain, Balathuduwa Mountain, Kehelpotha Mountain, Yahangala Mountain, and the majestic Great Western Mountain range. The view extends further to encompass Conical Hill, Uda Radella Mountain, Kikiliyamamna Mountain, Ambewela, and the towering presence of Pidurutalagala Mountain, the highest peak in Sri Lanka.

In this expansive vista, the Hakgala Mountain, Naasdanda Mountain, and World's End stand as prominent features, with the Nayabeddha Mountain range and Wangedigala adding to the grandeur. The scene is completed by the imposing presence of Gonamolliya and Kirigalpotha Mountains, offering an endless expanse of natural beauty and a truly unforgettable experience for those who venture to the summit of Udaweriya Mountain.

Embark on your adventure from the Farr Inn, once a hunting lodge for British colonial officials and now transformed into the visitor center of Horton Plains National Park. Today's trek begins at the pinnacle of the Pekoe Trail, standing at a lofty 2,170 meters above sea level. Follow the trail along the road leading to Ohiya, where you'll encounter the legendary "Devil's Staircase," famed as the steepest descent along the Pekoe Trail.

Traversing through quaint villages and majestic mountains, the trail leads you to the Udaweriya Valley, offering panoramic vistas that will leave you breathless. On clear days, the sight stretches all the way to Udawalawe National Park and beyond, revealing the picturesque coastline in the distance.

This journey promises not only physical challenges but also the reward of witnessing the awe-inspiring beauty of Sri Lanka's central highlands and its diverse natural wonders.

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