Nestled within the lush landscapes of Sri Lanka, Madulsima, also known as Madolsima, stands as a picturesque village. Its serene surroundings boast the distinction of harboring the remotest among Sri Lanka's five escarpments, affectionately termed "Mini World's End." Among these, the Pitamaruwa Mini World's End in Madulsima emerges as a hidden gem, within easy reach for day excursions from Ella and Badulla.

Despite its breathtaking vistas, the Pitamaruwa Mini World's End remains a lesser-known destination among foreign travelers, yet it holds a special place in the hearts of Sri Lankan hikers and campers. The allure of this scenic viewpoint lies in its untouched beauty, offering a serene escape from the bustling tourist trails.

The significance of the name "Pitamaruwa" holds a clue to the area's appeal. The suffix "ruwa" in the toponym signifies "beauty," hinting at the natural splendor awaiting visitors. Indeed, the landscape lives up to its name, captivating all who venture to explore its hidden treasures.

In the tranquil embrace of Madulsima's Pitamaruwa Mini World's End, travelers can immerse themselves in the untouched wilderness, savoring moments of tranquility and awe-inspiring beauty. It's a testament to the diverse and captivating landscapes that Sri Lanka has to offer, inviting adventurers to uncover its hidden gems beyond the beaten path.

Embark on a scenic journey from Colombo, spanning 180 kilometers until you reach Passara town. From there, venture onto Pitamaruwa Road, leading you to the enchanting destination of Madulsima.

Legend has it that Madulsima's neighboring town, Pitamaruwa, earned its name from the bustling exchange of tea boxes between caravans—a testament to the region's rich tea heritage.

Apart from the renowned World's End site nestled within Horton Plains, central Sri Lanka boasts four other captivating viewpoints with precipitous edges, aptly dubbed mini World's Ends. Among them, Madolsima Mini World’s End stands out, along with Selagama, Pitawala Pathana, and Deanston Mini World’s Ends. The last two gems are nestled within the Dumbara range's picturesque hills, while Madulsima's own World's End lies at the culmination of the verdant Roeberry Estate tea plantation.

As you arrive, a vista of mountains adorned with pockets of dry forests unfolds before you. The distinct allure of Madulsima's World's End lies in its panoramic view, stretching from the mountain's base to the distant shores of the East coast. Contrary to the perspective at Horton Plains, where visitors witness a range of mountains and rocky debris from a precipice, Madulsima offers a different spectacle.

Managed by the Tourist Board of the Uva Province, the Madulsima mountain stands tall at 1257 feet, reaching an elevation of 2300-3400 feet above sea level. The upper reaches belong to the Roeberry Estate, while the lower part extends into Dorapoda in the Bibile district. Enveloped in perennial mist, the mountain range enjoys a temperate climate throughout the year. From this vantage point, one can behold the cascading beauty of waterfalls like Umang Oya, Bambarabotuwa, and Kekunagala, enhancing the allure of Madulsima's World's End experience.


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