Kurullangala, known as Birds’ Rock Mountain, is renowned for its ancient bird paintings dating back approximately 5000 years. These paintings, adorned with red-colored pigment, decorate the rock wall surface, featuring hundreds of bird figures. Predominantly, peacocks dominate the artworks, interspersed with a few depictions of eagles. Situated about 100 meters above these bird paintings lies Pettigala, a box-shaped rock, where a carving of two birds can be found. However, ascending Pettigala cliff is considered perilous and is not advisable. DIRECTIONS: To witness these unique drawings from 5000 years ago, one must undertake a challenging trek up a slippery, steep rock surface with an incline ranging from 60 to 70 degrees. Some may even deem it a hazardous journey. Begin your journey from Ella – Wellawaya road, passing through Kande Viharaya Junction, Uma Oya Pentax road, and eventually arriving at Rakkithakanda Temple. From there, commence the upward trek. It is strongly advised to travel with an experienced guide for safety reasons.

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